Paleonet: SPNHC Community Survey

Tim White tim.white at
Mon Apr 9 17:53:01 UTC 2007

Dear list-serv members,

The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections 
(SPNHC) has designed a survey to gather opinions about SPNHC from our 
colleagues who are not SPNHC members.   Please excuse any 
cross-posting since we are intentionally circulating this widely.

In 2006, a sessional committee on Long-Range Planning was formed. One 
of the committee's charges was to develop and conduct a survey of the 
SPNHC membership to learn more about its composition and membership 
perception of the society.   This survey has been distributed to our 
membership.   A companion survey was also created to help SPNHC 
understand how other members of the collections community perceive 
SPNHC and the activities in which we are involved.  The survey is 
anonymous and consists of 18 questions which should take 5-10 minutes 
to complete.

Please visit:

...and complete the survey by April 21; we plan to tabulate the 
results and report significant findings to the SPNHC membership at 
the Annual Meeting in May.

If you work with natural history collections, we would very much 
appreciate your time in taking our survey.  The feedback we receive 
will help formulate the future directions of the society.

Thank you for your time!


Tim White, President
Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections

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