Paleonet: Your Nomination, AAAS Science Journalism Awards

James Davison jamesdavison at
Thu Apr 26 15:41:04 UTC 2007

I was impressed by "Journey of Man" by Spencer Wells broadcast on PBS.  
The story and science were interesting and there were lots of good 
facts.  Thanks.  -- JD

Lane, Harold R. wrote:

> I am a screener for AAAS for prize-worthy science news published or 
> broadcast during the AAAS Science Journalism Awards contest year, July 
> 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007.  AAAS is soliciting nominations from 
> the scientific community for outstanding examples of science 
> journalism (press, radio, television, etc).  If you've read, watched, 
> or listened to science news that you've found particularly compelling, 
> you may forward it directly to AAAS by sending it to Lonnie Shekhtman 
> at lshekhtm at <mailto:lshekhtm at>.  If you prefer, send 
> it to me and I will forward it on to AAAS for their consideration.  In 
> that case, I will need the dates and authorship of the broadcast or 
> publication and the name of the publisher and/or broadcast network.
> H. Richard Lane
>Paleonet mailing list
>Paleonet at
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