Paleonet: XXIII Jornadas de Paleontologia - 2nd Circular

Mihaela Melinte melinte at
Fri Apr 27 04:21:28 UTC 2007

Dear Marcos,
Thank you for the announcement.
How are you? Did you make any progress with our paper on Arobes?

Me, starting from the 6th of May I will be out from my office. It is 
necessary to do some field work
and also I think to go with my mother in Moldavia.

 From the 1st of June I am Invited Professor at the Marseille Univerity, 
to correlate some oligocene-miocene
sequences of  Provence and to do some lecture about.

With many wishes for you and for your mother,

Marcos A. Lamolda wrote:

>The annual meeting of the Spanish Palaeontological Society will be held at
>Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia Province, October 3rd to 6th 2007.
>General information and the Second Circular are available, please visit the
>abstract, June 30th 2007
>registration, June 30th 2007
>There are 30 grants for students.

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