Paleonet: Help with German translation: (only a few words!)

Nikolaus Malchus n.malchus at
Thu Aug 16 19:39:33 UTC 2007

Dear Tony,        Additions to answers you already got
            - Pleuridie / Pleuridien: actually depends on the context. Are 
we talking about plants or animals?

            - saugnapfähnlich:  sucker-like, yes (talking about 
            - eingeschnürrt: eingeschnürt (one r), example nepionic 
constriction (ammonites), I guess the double r is a typo. There is a 
colloquial term "eingeschnurrt" (particip) (without the Umlaut and with 
double r) that would mean something like shrunk (what happens if you wash a 
woolen textil at higher temp., ;-)
            - Ast oder Zweig: branch or twig (tree branches are thicker 
than twigs)


_________________________________                   Dr Anthony Butcher
Palynological Research
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
University of Portsmouth
Burnaby Building
Burnaby Road
United kingdom
Tel:  (+44) 23 9284 2258
Fax: (+44) 23 9284 2244
anthony.butcher at 
Nikolaus Malchus
PhD (Geology-Paleontology)
Dept. de Geologia/Unitat Paleontologia, Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, Campus, Edifici Cs
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), Catalonia,
SPAIN; Tel x34-93-581-1464 / Fax x34-93-581-1263
International Congress on Bivalvia, July 2006
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