Paleonet: Comments/suggestions/recommendations for a cold CL stage system

Stephen Schellenberg sschelle at
Tue Dec 4 19:42:33 UTC 2007

Hello all. Our department is exploring the acquisition of a cold CL 
stage, and I'd greatly appreciate thoughts, recommendations, and/or 
warnings (off-list!) from anyone with experience on more recent cold 
CL stages/systems (e.g., Luminoscope, Reliostage, CL8200 MK5, etc.). 
Note that the system would be used by the full-spectrum of "hard" to 
"soft" rock folks, so flexibility (operationally, not physically!) is 
a plus. Thanks, Stephen
Stephen A. Schellenberg
Department of Geological Sciences
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-1020

Cell: 619.787.3217
Fax: 619.594.4372

I don't know where the sunbeams end and the starlights begin . . .
It's all a mystery. - The Flaming Lips

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