Paleonet: Help with palynological microscopes

Anthony Butcher Anthony.Butcher at
Wed Jul 18 09:48:20 UTC 2007

Dear all,
I was wondering whether anyone had any notes / tips / manuals for the
advanced use of the Zeiss Jeneval research microscopes, and / or and
spare parts / bits and pieces that they wouldn't mind parting with.
We have four of the basic models, one set up for DIC, and one set up
for DIC and fluorescence.  I am familiar with the basic functions, and
have figured out some of the DIC and fluorescence, but would like to
learn more about from people who have used them, as I am under-utilising
their potential by a long way!
A photo of one of our microscopes (the one set up for fluorescence and
DIC) can be viewed at:

I'd be really grateful for any info (and even more so for spare parts
that aren't required any more!).
Best wishes,
Anthony Butcher.
Dr Anthony Butcher
Palynological Research
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
University of Portsmouth
Burnaby Building
Burnaby Road
United kingdom
Tel:  (+44) 23 9284 2258
Fax: (+44) 23 9284 2244
anthony.butcher at 
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