Paleonet: Field Paleontology Training

Allen Aigen serirach at
Wed May 9 20:54:11 UTC 2007

The one important part that should never be left out of field collecting is "HAVE FUN".  Never regiment it to the point where people can't enjoy it.
Allen Aigen
SeriRach at
-- ann molineux <annm at> wrote:
Hi Peg,

I'd be really interested to hear what people say about this. 
I would like to develop a substantive paleo field course and feel a real lack in that area. We have pretty good vertebrate field work but the opportunities for learning invertebrate field methods are very thin. At NPL we have begun using Xplore mapping tablets and ARCGIS in the field, tagging specimens, imaging in situ material and so forth, in an effort to make fossil collection more integrated with the whole geology. We have also tried, not terribly successfully, to use quadrats. 

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