Paleonet: Summer fieldwork opportunity - Museum of the Rockies

Liz Freedman eafreedman at
Wed Mar 12 20:14:15 UTC 2008

Museum of the Rockies Summer Paleontology Field Program

Volunteer Application available here:

The Museum of the Rockies maintains one of the largest field programs
in the country, conducting fieldwork at multiple sites in the Judith
River and Hell Creek Formations of Montana each summer. Research at
each site is led by museum staff and graduate students under the
direction of Dr. Jack Horner. We accept dedicated, hardworking
volunteers to join us for a minimum of three weeks of fieldwork. This
minimum time can be reduced for experienced volunteers. Volunteers
must be at least 16 years old, provide their own transportation to
Montana, and bring a tent, sleeping bag, and other personal supplies.
All food and tools are provided by the museum, except for your food on
town day once a week. This is not a formal internship through Montana
State University, and no stipend or class credit is offered. However,
your time can count for volunteer service hours, and in some cases
students have arranged internship recognition through their home

You will spend 6 days each week quarrying one or more associated
dinosaur specimens and making plaster jackets to protect the fossils
for transport back to the MOR. Crew members camp in tents or personal
trailers, and take turns cooking dinner, washing dishes, and
performing other chores around camp. Evenings are spent compiling
data, relaxing, and bonding with your new friends. Each Saturday the
crew spends the day in a nearby town to buy groceries, do laundry,
visit the library, and maybe watch a movie.

No prior fieldwork or academic experience is required. We hope that
you will join us for an exciting summer that will give you excellent
experience in paleontological fieldwork. All questions, comments, and
completed applications should be sent to Liz Freedman at
morpaleo at

Hope to see you this summer!


Liz Freedman
PhD Candidate
Museum of the Rockies
Montana State University

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