Paleonet: (no subject)

argo at argo at
Sat Aug 29 23:48:15 UTC 2009

Dear Rowan,

I owe you a big public apology, and here it is.  I went back to the e mails earlier this summer, and it  was indeed GSA that canceled mty proposed session "Putting Biology back in Biostratigraphy",  not you.  And I do indeed appreciate the hard work you do for we paleontologists.  

Sorry for the all-paleonet mailing, but it seems only fair since my original, inadvertently sent  with that pesky paleonet address that I normally catch, went public.

At least I do not have to work on any sort of acceptance speeches for future GSA or Paleo Society medals now.  (But I had already figured that out long before this).

Sorry again, 

Professor Peter D Ward
Dept of Biology
The University of Washington
Seattle, 98195
206-543-2962  ( Office )

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