Paleonet: Paleontological Contributions

Paul Selden selden at
Mon Aug 31 20:40:59 UTC 2009

Dear all

Great news! The first issue of our new on-line journal Paleontological  
Contributions  has been published!

Perrichot, V. 2009. Long-tailed wasps (Hymenoptera: Megalyridae) from  
Cretaceous and Paleogene European amber. Paleontological Contributions  
1, 1–35.

Go to: to read the abstract and  
download the paper as a pdf (both low and high-resolution formats are  

We are already receiving new contributions for this series; why not  
send us your next manuscript?


The journal is freely available for all to download issues on-line
Peer-reviewed: all articles are reviewed by an Associate Editor and at  
least two referees
On-line submission and journal management
The editing and typesetting is of the highest quality, from the same  
team who produce the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology
Publication is rapid: once approved by the Associate Editor, it should  
take no more than two weeks to appear on-line
Conforms to ICZN/ICBN standards for taxonomic publication


Well, OK, there are page charges, but only $30 per final pdf page  
(please ask for discount with larger or special publications); this is  
so we don’t get flooded with contributions initially, and charges will  
be reviewed periodically
All new journals need to wait to get ISI approval, and we are no  
exception, so please send your best papers and help with the success  
of Paleontological Contributions

For more details and submission go to: 
  where you’ll also find the identity of our graptolite logo.

Paul Selden, Editor, Paleontological Contributions
Director of the Paleontological Institute
Gulf-Hedberg Distinguished Professor of Invertebrate Paleontology,  
Department of Geology
University of Kansas
Lindley Hall, 1475 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA

Email: selden at
Phone (785) 864-2751 Lab (785) 864-9049 iPhone (785) 393-5625
Paleontological Institute web site:

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