Paleonet: Automated plankton identification: state of art, calibration and practice

Norman MacLeod N.MacLeod at
Thu Jan 22 18:12:31 UTC 2009

This might seem a little off-center for PaleoNet, but it's a brave new world
out there.


Automated plankton identification: state of art, calibration and practice
University of Plymouth, PML and SAHFOS

Plymouth, UK
15th-25th June 2009

This course is designed to give marine ecology students an appreciation of
the potential of automated plankton identification. The course will first
review current automatic plankton recognition system and how they work.
Their performance will be contrasted to that of human experts doing the same
tasks. Students will get an opportunity to analyse plankton water samples
themselves, and gain a first-hand understanding of the problems of
identification and consensus. The second part of the course will look at
image analysis and recognition techniques, allowing students to gain some
experience in pattern recognition methods that underpin plankton
recognition. Finally students will put this all together by using ZooImage
and related software to analyse and recognise plankton images. Reviews of
performance and system limitations, with a look at the future potential of
these types of instruments, will conclude the course.

The course cost is £660 per person and includes:

Delegate pack
All workshop lunches
Presenters notes
Tea and coffee
Drinks & nibbles reception
Excursions to SAHFOS/MBA and morning cruise to obtain plankton sample
Workshop dinner

Course website:


Prof. Norman MacLeod
Keeper of Palaeontology
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD

(0)207 942-5204/5295 (Office)
(0)207 942-5546 (Fax) (Web Page)


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