Paleonet: Position announcement - University of Arizona

Karl W. Flessa kflessa at
Wed May 6 22:10:30 UTC 2009

University of Arizona - Post-doctoral research scientist/temporary
instructor  - Paleobiology

The Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona  seeks to hire a
post-doctoral research scientist in the area of paleobiology.  Duties will
include research, publication and proposal-preparation in areas such as
historical ecology, conservation paleobiology, taphonomy, paleoecology or
molluscan paleobiology, and teaching introductory paleontology (Fall '09)
and a paleontology course for non-majors (Spring  '10).  

Position is for the 2009-2010 academic year.  Extension beyond first year is
contingent on performance and the availability of funding.

Qualifications:  Ph.D. in a relevant field, publications and teaching

Submit letter of interest, C.V., statement of teaching and research
interests, and contact information for three references. Apply at  The job number is 42882

Application deadline:  May 16, 2009



Karl W. Flessa

Professor and Head

Department of Geosciences

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ 85721 USA

tel: 520 621-6000 

fax:  520 621-2672


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