Paleonet: ISC2010 - deadline extension

Andy Johnson A.L.A.Johnson at
Wed Apr 21 13:48:44 UTC 2010

The deadline for registration and abstract submission for the 2nd International Sclerochronology Conference has been extended until Thursday 29th April 2010 (midnight, Central European Time). A number of potential delegates had difficulties submitting their forms on time due to transportation issues related to the volcanic ash cloud over Europe.

We also wish to inform delegates that the hotel rooms blocked for the conference are only available until the end of April. A number of alternative hotels are posted on the conference website.

For your reference, I am once again attaching the Call for Papers below.

See you at Mainz in July!

                                         Andy Johnson (UK rep)

Dr Andrew L.A. Johnson
Geographical, Earth and Environmental Sciences
School of Science
Faculty of Education, Health and Sciences
University of Derby
Kedleston Road
Derby DE22 1GB
United Kingdom
Tel: (0044) (0)1332 591721
Fax: (0044) (0)1332 597747
Email: A.L.A.Johnson at<mailto:A.L.A.Johnson at>

Call for papers:
2nd International Sclerochronology Conference, ISC2010
Mainz, Germany, 24 - 28 July 2010

Dear all,

Registration and abstract submission for ISC2010 is open until 20th April 2010.<blocked::>

Who should attend?
Anyone working on or interested in the formation and interpretation of growth increments in accretionary hard parts of invertebrate and vertebrate organisms as well as corraline red algae, their geochemistry and crystal fabrics or the underlying processes of biomineralization, should attend this conference. Come to Mainz, share your thoughts and help to bring this fast-developing field forward!

Please note: We also highly welcome contributions from people working with tree rings, speleothems and related bio- and geoarchives.

Details on the 2nd International Sclerochronology Conference are available from the conference website at<blocked::> .

The conference organizers hope to welcome you at the University of Mainz for exciting presentations and discussions in this fast developing field. Please check the website for further information.

Program committee:
- Bernd R. Schöne (conference chair), Geosciences, University of Mainz, Germany
- Andrew L.A. Johnson, Geographical, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Derby, UK
- Claire E. Lazareth, LOCEAN, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, France
- David P. Gillikin, Earth Science and Geography, Vassar College, USA
- Kazushige Tanabe, Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Meghan Burchell, Anthropology, McMaster University, Canada
- Thomas Tütken, Steinmann Institute, University of Bonn, Germany

Sclerochronology is the study of physical and chemical variations in the accretionary hard tissues of organisms, and the temporal context in which they formed. Sclerochronology focuses primarily upon growth patterns reflecting annual, monthly, fortnightly, tidal, daily, and sub-daily increments of time entrained by a host of environmental and astronomical pacemakers. Familiar examples include yearly banding in reef coral skeletons and otoliths or daily and annual growth patterns in mollusk shells.  Sclerochronology is analogous to dendrochronology, the study of annual rings in trees, and equally seeks to deduce organismal life history traits as well as to reconstruct records of environmental and climatic change through time and space.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernd R. SCHÖNE
Department of Applied and Analytical Paleontology
and INCREMENTS Research Group
Institute of Geosciences
University of Mainz
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
55128 Mainz, GERMANY

voice: +49 6131 39 24757
fax: +49 6131 39 24768
mobile: +49 152 098 96 165 b.r.schoene
Email: schoeneb at<mailto:schoeneb at><><>

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