Paleonet: Phanerozoic CO2 and Temp. curves

Michael W. Rasser michael.rasser at
Mon Sep 13 13:09:58 UTC 2010

Dear colleagues,

Which are the most accepted, compiled CO2- and temperature-curves for 
the whole Phanerozoic?

There are several CO2-curves, such as GEOCARB, COPSE, Rothman, Royer. 
However, we need them for an exhibition and therefore it would be fine 
to be able to show only one curve. But which one? I thought of  GEOCARB 
III ... ?

For the temperature there is this compilation from Jan Veizer's oxygen 
isotope data, but I think that it cannot be directly translated into 
... or can this be done?

Thank you for your opinion and many greetings,

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Michael W. Rasser
Kurator für Känozoische Invertebraten
(Curator for Cenozoic Invertebrates)
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart

Postal address: Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone.: +49-(0)711/8936-146 | Fax: +49-(0)711/8936-100
NEU/NEW: michael.rasser at

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