Paleonet: Coccolith residues

Anthony Butcher Anthony.Butcher at
Tue Aug 23 08:10:55 UTC 2011

Dear all,
I wondered whether anyone had any surplus residues of coccolith
material that I could use for teaching?  I'm looking to build up our
collection of microfossil teaching material, so also if anyone has
residues containing other nice material of say forams, diatoms, etc,
that would be fantastic.
Anything you can spare, and any amount, would be great!
Many thanks in advance,
Tony Butcher.
(Please reply off-list to anthony.butcher at )

Dr Anthony Butcher
Palynological & Stratigraphical Research
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
University of Portsmouth
Burnaby Building
Burnaby Road
United kingdom
Tel:  (+44) 23 9284 2486
Fax:  (+44) 23 9284 2244
anthony.butcher at
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