Paleonet: EGU session on deep time terrestrial ecosystems

Wolfram Kuerschner w.m.kuerschner at
Mon Jan 10 11:25:47 UTC 2011

Dear colleagues,

Please let me remind you the following session which will be held at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) meeting in Vienna in April 2011. The deadline abstract submission has been extended to 11th of January. The extended deadline for the EGU2011 is Tuesday, 11 January 2011 (24:00, GMT).

Deep time terrestrial ecosystems

Convener: Wolfram Kuerschner 
Co-Conveners: Dieter Uhl , Darren Gröcke 

The aim of this session is to bring together palaeobiologists, geochemists and modelers from different disciplines to promote a better understanding of the role and evolution of terrestrial ecosystems, their impact on the atmosphere, lithosphere and climate and vice versa (for example biogeochemical and hydrological cycles, continental weathering). We encourage workers from all disciplines analyzing the terrestrial (in)vertebrate and plant fossil record by means of palaeobiological or geochemical methods to present their results from the deep time (pre-quaternary) geological history, particularly covering periods of major environmental changes and biotic turnovers (mass extinctions). 

For more details on the EGU meeting, please visit:
More information about the session can be found under:

Information on abstract submission:

Information (including why it was introduced) on the Abstract Processing Charge:

Further information about the EGU General Assembly 2011 can be found at:, and information about EGU itself can be foundat

In case any questions arise, please contact us at egu2011 at!

Looking forward to see you in Vienna,

with best wishes,

Wolfram Kuerschner

Dr. Wolfram M. Kuerschner | Palaeoecology | Laboratory of Palaeobotany & Palynology | Utrecht University | Budapestlaan 4 | 3584 CD Utrecht | The Netherlands | Wolfram Kuerschner
w.m.kuerschner at

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