Paleonet: legs of limulids

Roy Plotnick plotnick at
Thu Jul 21 14:52:35 UTC 2011

I am sending you a photo of the ventral view of a Limulus (scan of an 
old slide). Feel free  to use.  I can take some new closeups of other 
specimens if you want.  If you want a line drawing, take a look at those 
in Snodgrass, /A Textbook of Arthropod Anatomy./   - Roy

On 7/21/2011 7:51 AM, David Kopaska-Merkel wrote:
> I need an illustration showing the legs of horseshoe crabs either 
> modern or ancient. A drawing would be good, but a photograph would be 
> okay. The key is it has to show clearly that the back pair of legs are 
> not like the ordinary walking legs in front of them. I need an 
> illustration for which I can get permission to publish it in a book.
> David
> David C Kopaska-Merkel
> Geological Survey of Alabama
> Box869999
> TuscaloosaAL 35486-6999
> 205-247-3695
> <>
> fax 205-349-2861
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Roy E. Plotnick
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago
845 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60607

E-mail: plotnick at

office phone: 312-996-2111     fax: 312-413-2279
lab phone: 312-355-1342

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"The scientific celebrities, forgetting their molluscs and glacial periods, gossiped about art, while devoting themselves to oysters and ices with characteristic energy.." -Little Women, Louisa  May Alcott

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