Paleonet: Arizona fossil collecting sites

Roy Plotnick plotnick at
Thu Mar 17 14:52:20 UTC 2011

We are running a department field trip to Arizona in May.  In addition 
to the usual suspects (Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, Petrified Forest), 
etc., can I get recommendations on good fossil collecting sites in the 
region that are worth a visit?  Thanks! - Roy

Roy E. Plotnick
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago
845 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60607

E-mail: plotnick at

office phone: 312-996-2111     fax: 312-413-2279
lab phone: 312-355-1342

web page:

"The scientific celebrities, forgetting their molluscs and glacial periods, gossiped about art, while devoting themselves to oysters and ices with characteristic energy.." -Little Women, Louisa  May Alcott

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