Paleonet: Arizona fossil collecting sites

Frank Holterhoff frank at
Thu Mar 17 15:30:26 UTC 2011

You could check this area out:

I hear mixed reviews about whether it's worth a trip or not.  I also 
recall one report that in the past some folks have dug in a 
less-favorable place which is easily visible from the trail leading to 
the good spots.  This has prompted others to dig in the same place, thus 
perpetuating the misdirection (which is probably fine with the folks who 
know where the best fossils are:D)  It's not too far away from where 
you'll be though (at least not as distances are figured out West).

Another very good area:

That's a little farther away, but I'd say the odds of a successful trip 
are higher.  Note that U-Dig is a pay place, but apparently there are 
other sites in the same area that are free.  It's pretty much all BLM 
land around there (probably the Marble Mts. site too) - apparently the 
BLM doesn't restrict or doesn't care about the casual collecting of 


On 3/17/2011 9:52 AM, Roy Plotnick wrote:
> We are running a department field trip to Arizona in May. In addition to
> the usual suspects (Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, Petrified Forest),
> etc., can I get recommendations on good fossil collecting sites in the
> region that are worth a visit? Thanks! - Roy

Frank K. Holterhoff         Matricus Inc.
Physical Design Engineer    522 South Edmonds Lane, Suite 204
972-221-1614                Lewisville, Texas   75067
frank at          USA

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