Paleonet: An Open Letter in Support of Digital Data Archiving

James Lamsdell james_lamsdell at
Sat Mar 26 16:00:12 UTC 2011

Dear Paleonetters,

You may be aware that recently some Evolution & Ecology journals have
started archiving all their research data e.g. Fairbairn, D. J. 2011. The advent of mandatory data archiving. Evolution 65:1-2.

This is all part of a recent push within the wider scientific research
community to make data analysed in publications more widely available,
easily accessible and reusable.

I fully-support this initiative and encourage its adoption by as many
journals as possible. In order to demonstrate support from *within* the
palaeontological community for these changes I have co-authored an Open
Letter of support here:

I kindly ask you for 60 seconds of your time to read the short statement
and sign your support (or lack thereof). If you have any comments,
please post them via the above website.

Many thanks in advance,

James Lamsdell

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