Paleonet: Paleontological Institute news

Paul Selden selden at
Wed Mar 7 18:26:41 UTC 2012

Dear all

The Paleontological Institute is delighted to announce the availability of five new issues of Treatise Online. These are available at the Paleontological Institute web site: 

Members of the Paleontological Society, Palaeontological Association, and SEPM can access these for free directly through their respective member web pages.


Stock, Carl W., Heldur Nestor, & B. D. Webby. 2012. Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 14: Paleobiogeography of the Paleozoic Stromatoporoidea. Treatise Online 34:1–44, 6 fig., 10 tables.

West, Ronald R. 2012. Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 2D: Evolution of the hypercalcified chaetetid-type Porifera (Demospongiae). Treatise Online 35:1–26, 6 tables.

West, Ronald R. 2012. Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 2E: Paleoecology of the hypercalcified chaetetid-type Porifera (Demospongiae). Treatise Online 36:1–68, 46 fig., 3 tables.

West, Ronald R. 2012. Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 2F: Paleogeography and biostratigraphy of the hypercalcified chaetetid-type Porifera (Demospongiae). Treatise Online 37:1–29, 7 fig., 2 tables.

Debrenne, F., A. Yu. Zhuravlev, & P. D. Kruse. 2012. Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 18: General features of the Archaeocyatha. Treatise Online 38:1–102, 34 fig.


Best wishes

Paul Selden
Director of the Paleontological Institute
Gulf-Hedberg Distinguished Professor of Invertebrate Paleontology, Department of Geology
University of Kansas
Lindley Hall, 1475 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA

Email: selden at
Phone (785) 864-2751 Lab (785) 864-9049 iPhone (785) 393-5625
Paleontological Institute web site:

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