Paleonet: course on Paleontology Field Methods & Research

Gregory P Wilson gpwilson at
Tue May 15 14:00:16 UTC 2012

Hi All,

I would like to bring to your attention a course being offered through the University of Washington but available to non-UW students as well. Please pass this on to any interested parties.

Full details can be found at

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact me off list. Thank you.

Greg Wilson


University of Washington, Biology 475A, Paleontology Field Methods & Research (4 credits)

A five-week intro to paleontological field methods and research, in which students develop skills in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting field data and designing research projects by participating in ongoing paleontological research on the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction. Topics include excavation of fossils, identification and curation of fossils, collection/interpretation of stratigraphic and taphonomic data, and report writing.

If you are a high-energy student ready for a summer of hard work and discovery, please contact the instructor! (gpwilson at

Course Details:

·     	Lecture/Lab Component: Wk 1 on campus consists of four 1.5-hr intro lectures on principles in field paleontology, geology, and taphonomy as well as the scientific context of the research. Wks 5 on campus consist 	of four 2-hr lab sessions to curate collected fossil specimens, analyze data, and present final reports.

·       Fieldwork Component: Wks 2-4 (Jun 22-Jul 11) will be at the Hell Creek State Park in NE Montana learning basic paleontology and geology field techniques, gaining context of ongoing research, and engaging in 		research projects.

·       Course fee of $120 and Program fee of $505 cover transportation, meals, lodging, and equipment for fieldwork.

·       For more information: see Greg Wilson UW website

·       Entry Code: contact instructor Greg Wilson (gpwilson at for an entry code.
Gregory P. Wilson
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
University of Washington
24 Kincaid Hall, Box 351800
Seattle, Washington 98195-1800

Phone:  		206.543.8917
Fax:       		206.543.3041

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