Paleonet: Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary (AMQ) journal

Fabrizio Lirer fabrizio.lirer at
Thu May 17 10:48:27 UTC 2012

Dear Collegues,

the first 2012 issue of AMQ, the renewed AIQUA journal, is now a reality. Pdf files of articles are available at the AIQUA website  or directly at the journal's website
AMQ is an on-line journal only printed for AIQUA members. A copy of the first issue was also sent to your address.
Please let me know if you don’t  receive it.
During this critical step of opening to the international scene, I would kindly ask you to contribute with your research or review paper to the success of AMQ.
I take the opportunity to express once again our gratitude for your willingness to join the Editorial Board.

Best regards
Andrea Sposato
- AIQUA -  Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary
- Editor in Chief

  AMQ -

Fabrizio Lirer
Istituto Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC)-CNR
Calata Porta di Massa, interno Porto di Napoli
80133, Napoli
Tel:+39 81 5423851
Fax:+39 81 5423888
E-mail: fabrizio.lirer at
Secretary of the Regional Committee
on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy (RCMNS)
Secretary of the Italian Commission on Stratigraphy (CIS)

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