Paleonet: Fwd: SE MN Fossil

Achim Herrmann aherrmann at
Mon Oct 8 15:10:57 UTC 2012

Sloan also published (I think privately)  "Minnesota fossils and fossiliferous rocks". My copy is from 2005 and I believe it can be obtained directly from him.

Achim Herrmann
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology and Geophysics
E301/302 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex
College of Science
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge LA 70803

aherrmann at
office: (225) 578-3016
lab: (225) 578-8116

On Oct 8, 2012, at 10:04 AM, Novack-Gottshall, Philip M. wrote:

> Hi Roy,
> Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but Sloan edited a great volume in 1987 through the MN Geological Survey devoted to Ordovician stratigraphy and fossils (with chapters by Yochelson, Pojeta, Sloan, Kolata, and the like). Most chapters also cover Mississippi Valley faunas in neighboring Iowa, Wisconsin, among others. And Balaban published a similarly useful (but less comprehensive) volume as a MGS Guidebook the same year:
> Balaban, N.H., ed. 1987. Field trip guidebook for the Upper Mississippi Valley, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin.  Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series 15.
> Sloan, R.E., ed. 1987. Middle and Late Ordovician lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Upper Mississippi Valley.  Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 35.
> Cheers,
> Phil
> On 10/8/2012 9:47 AM, Roy Plotnick wrote:
>> All:
>> see below. Since Bob Sloan is long-retired, I do not know of anyone in Minnesota who is familiar with the invertebrates of the state.  Any suggestions I can pass on?  I do have someone in Illinois. - Thanks - Roy
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject:	SE MN Fossil
>> Date:	Mon, 8 Oct 2012 00:06:04 -0400 (EDT)
>> From:	Bev <bevbenter at>
>> To:	plotnick at
>> Hi,
>> I am exploring local rock outcroppings and quarries for fossils. I can't seem to find anyone in Minnesota who can help me identify some of the more esoteric ones.
>> I am in Fillmore County which is home to Forestville State Park, Mystery and Niagra Caves. I am encountering mostly the Gelena formation, Ordavicain era--struggle to spell this stuff much less pronounce it! :)
>> I'm getting pretty good with the gastropods, brachs, and sunflower sponges.
>> Some of the other stuff I'm encountering as got me stumped!
>> I'm just wanting to identify them.
>> It would be wonderful if you know of anyone around here who is "into it".
>> Thanks ahead of time!
>> Bev Sandlin
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  Phil Novack-Gottshall
>  Assistant Professor
>  Department of Biological Sciences
>  Benedictine University
>  5700 College Road 
>  Lisle, IL 60532
>  pnovack-gottshall at
>  Phone: 630-829-6514
>  Fax: 630-829-6547
>  Office: 332 Birck Hall
>  Lab: 107 Birck Hall
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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