Paleonet: Poissons Fossiles - Dates of publication
Mike Everhart
mike at
Sat Sep 1 11:17:51 UTC 2012
That would be greatly appreciated. Please send it.
My Inbox will usually accept large files (up to about 20 MB).. but you
could also sent it via or other such services.
> I have a PDF, but is 15 MB heavy. I can send it privately to you, but
> take in account that on Monday I'm leaving office for a month, till
> beginning October.
> Cheers
> Alvaro
> *From:*paleonet-bounces at [mailto:paleonet-bounces at]
> *On Behalf Of *Mike Everhart
> *Sent:* viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012 19:27
> *To:* PaleoNet
> *Subject:* Re: Paleonet: Poissons Fossiles - Dates of publication
> Alvaro,
> Thanks....I'll try to locate copies,
> Regards,
> Mike
> Mike,
> I missed to mention the following:
> *Jeannet, A. 1928. Les poissons fossiles originaux conservés à
> l'institut de géologie de l'université de Neuchâtel. Bulletin de
> la Société Neuchateloise de Sciences Naturelles, 52:102-124.*
> and
> *Jeannet. A. 1929. **Additions et rectifications à la Note
> intitulée: **Les poissons fossiles originaux conservés à
> l'institut de géologie de l'université de Neuchâtel. **Bulletin de
> la Société Neuchateloise de Sciences Naturelles, 53:197-199.*
> Best regards
> Alvaro
> *From:*paleonet-bounces at
> <mailto:paleonet-bounces at>
> [mailto:paleonet-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Mike Everhart
> *Sent:* miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012 15:07
> *To:* PaleoNet
> *Subject:* Re: Paleonet: Poissons Fossiles - Dates of publication
> Alvaro,
> Thanks for the suggestion on Questedt (1963) .... I'll check on it....
> ... and yes, I know that Brown authored the list in Woodward &
> Sherborn... As I said, it is a complicated situation and I was
> trying to keep my note brief.
> The problem is locating some of the original sections on Brown's
> list and the 'feuilleton additional'
> Regards.
> Mike
> Again on the same subject. Woodward & Sherborn (1890, pages
> XXV-XXIX) are not the authors of the "Dates of
> publication...", but W. H. Brown.
> Alvaro
> *From:*paleonet-bounces at
> <mailto:paleonet-bounces at>
> [mailto:paleonet-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Mike Everhart
> *Sent:* miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012 06:57
> *To:* Paleonet
> *Subject:* Paleonet: Poissons Fossiles - Dates of publication
> All,
> My apologies in advance for a rather long and convoluted
> request... the whole issue is complicated.
> I'm trying to document the naming the North American shell
> crushing shark, /Ptychodus mortoni/...The species was either
> named by Mantell (1836 - citations below).... or by Agassiz
> (exact date unknown, but probably between 1836 and 1840 in his
> /Poissons Fossiles/...)
> Mantell's claim (1836, p. 27) is straight forward.... He had a
> specimen sent to him from the United States by Dr. Samuel
> Morton, and said, "I have named it /Ptychodus mortoni/."
> However, Mantell did not describe or figure the specimen. (The
> specimen is now in the BMNH)
> Agassiz, on the other hand, provided a complete description of
> the same specimen, after having seen it in Mantell's
> collection, and had it figured by his artist on Plate 25 in
> the Atlas accompanying his Tome III.
> Seems simple... Agassiz had already named the genus (1835),
> and should be the clear authority on the /P. mortoni/ species.
> Maybe....
> Agassiz's/Poissons Fossiles/ is usually cited as being
> published 1833-43 or 1833-44. While I used to think that using
> 1833-43 date for citing Agassiz's work was a sign of a lazy
> author, I am now beginning to understand that it is the only
> way of describing the manner in which the five volumes and
> accompanying plates were published, non-sequentially, over a
> 10 year period! Agassiz actually formed a printing company in
> Neuchàtel to print his work.
> Woodward and Sherborn (1890, pages xxv-xxvix) included a
> compilation of the publication history of the /Poissons
> Fossiles/. From their listing, it appears that the publication
> of the five volumes of /Poissons Fossiles/ proceeded rather
> haphazardly.... and I'm unsure when Agassiz's Part 2, chapter
> VIII of the third volume (about the species of /Ptychodus/)
> was actually printed.
> Besides the various publication dates for various chapters and
> plates, Woodward and Sherborn mentioned (page xxix) that
> Agassiz also included occasional supplements (/feuilleton
> additional/).
> Apparently one of these supplements was actually published in
> 1835 with the name of the new genus.... /Ptychodus/..... I've
> seen it cited, but cannot find a copy... A pdf would be
> greatly appreciated.
> *
> Agassiz. L. 1835. Feuilleton additionel sur les Recherches sur
> les Poissons fossiles.*
> Beyond that, I need the year that Volume (Tome) III, Part 2,
> Chapter VIII (including the name /Ptychodus mortoni/) was
> published. I'm fairly certain it was 1839 (According to
> Woodward and Sherbon, the accompanying Plate 25 was also
> published in 1839).
> Any directions to resources would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Mike
> Mike Everhart
> Adjunct Curator of Paleontology
> Sternberg Museum of Natural History
> Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS
> Agassiz, L. 1836. Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. Tome.
> III (l'Histoirie de l'Ordre des Placoïdes): pp. vii + 390 +
> 32, Neuchàtel.
> Mantell, G. 1836. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Objects of
> Geology, Natural History, and Antiquity (chiefly discovered in
> Sussex,) in the Museum attached to the Sussex Scientific and
> Literary Institution at Brighton. Relfe and Fletcher, London.,
> 41 pp.
> Woodward, A.S. and Sherborn, C.D. 1890. A Catalogue of British
> Vertebrata. Dulau & Company, London.
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