Paleonet: Amateur Fossil Clubs

Pojeta, John POJETAJ at
Thu Sep 27 12:20:30 UTC 2012

Hi Peg,

Something like this has already been done; check with Bruce MacFadden, Florida Museum,  I think he was the one who did it.  There is also the Mid-America Paleontological Society (all amateurs), they list most of the other groups---they have a website and hold annual meetings at Western Illinois University.


From: paleonet-bounces at [mailto:paleonet-bounces at] On Behalf Of Margaret Mary Yacobucci
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 3:27 PM
To: PaleoNet (paleonet at
Subject: Paleonet: Amateur Fossil Clubs

Hello everyone!

As Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Paleontological Society, I get frequent requests from kids, parents, and teachers seeking local paleontological activities with which they can get involved.

I like to refer folks to local amateur fossil and rock clubs whenever I can, as a great place for interested kids and adults to meet other "fossil fans", hear talks, and go on field trips.

We'd like to compile a directory of amateur fossil clubs (and rock clubs that include fossils) in the United States.  As examples, here in Ohio we have the Dry Dredgers in Cincinnati, the North Coast Fossil Club in Cleveland, and the Toledo Gem and Rockhound Club.

Do you participate in or know of an active group in your area?  If so, could you please email me directly (off list!) at mmyacob at<mailto:mmyacob at>?  I just need the name of the club, the city in which it meets, and if possible a web address for the group.

Thanks for your time!

Best wishes,

Dr. Peg Yacobucci
Education and Outreach Coordinator, Paleontological Society
Associate Professor, Department of Geology
Bowling Green State University
190 Overman Hall
Bowling Green, OH 43402-0218
Office: 419-372-7982
Email: mmyacob at<mailto:mmyacob at>

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