Paleonet: Important information - IPC 2014

Leandro Gaetano leandrocg1 at
Sat Aug 17 17:39:04 UTC 2013

Early bird Registration Deadline.
If you are a PhD student, you need to be registered in order to apply for
financial assistance to attend the IPC4. Remember this deadline: August
30th 2013 and save up to 20%. Don't miss the opportunity and register now!
Visit the IPC4 registration
further information about registration deadlines and fees.

Palaeontological Association travel grants.
The Palaeontological Association will be making available funds to support
intercontinental travel costs of postgraduate student members of the
Association who will be presenting their research at the 4th International
Palaeontological Congress. Each successful applicant will be awarded a
maximum of £750, and it is anticipated that up to 20 awards will be made.
Preference will be given to those student members of the Association who
joined before August 2013. Applications will be made through an online form
on the Association’s website, which will open following the abstract
submission deadline. Enquiries may be made to the Executive Officer at
palass at

Leandro C. Gaetano, Ph.D.

Laboratorio de Paleontología de Vertebrados
Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"
Departamento de Cs. Geológicas
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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