Paleonet: NAPC Taphonomy Symposium

Madeline Marshall msmarshall at
Fri Aug 23 18:38:03 UTC 2013

Please consider submitting an abstract to the 2014 NAPC session S04. *What
comes after death: current topics in actualistic taphonomy and integrative
paleobiology*, chaired by Emma Locatelli, Madeline Marshall, Marc Laflamme,
James Schiffbauer, and Simon Darroch.

Distinguishing features of biological significance from those produced by
fossilization is a critical part of evaluating the overall fidelity of the
fossil record.  Examinations of taphonomic biases and processes are
increasingly interdisciplinary in nature, encompassing topics such as
geochemistry, stratigraphy, microbiology, and experimental work with modern
organisms.  This session encourages the exploration of preservation and the
interpretation of the fossil record from these multiple perspectives, and
we invite contributions investigating taphonomic processes and
paleobiological histories using integrative approaches.

The deadline is September 20th, and we invite you to submit your abstract
by visiting the NAPC website:  We
look forward to your contributions and participation.

 Please contact Emma Locatelli (emma.locatelli at or Madeline
Marshall (msmarshall at if you have any questions about the
session or abstract submission.

Madeline Marshall
Department of Geophysical Sciences
University of Chicago
5734 S. Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
msmarshall at
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