Paleonet: New Treatise Online article

Paul Selden selden at
Mon Feb 4 20:19:52 UTC 2013

Dear all

The Paleontological Institute is pleased to announce the publication of the final article from Part E, Revised, Volume 4 (Hypercalcified Sponges). It is available at the Paleontological Institute web site: Members of the Paleontological Society, Palaeontological Association, and SEPM can access it for free directly through their respective member web page.

Now that all chapters of this part have been published online, the authors are busy making any necessary updates, and soon we hope to announce the availability of the volume in hard copy.


West, Ronald R., Jean Vacelet, Rachel A. Wood, Philippe Willenz, & Willard D. Hartman. 2013. Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 4A–B: Hypercalcified extant and fossil chaetetid-type and Post-Devonian stromatoporoid-type Demospongiae: Systematic descriptions. Treatise Online 58:1–95, 75 fig. $49.95


Best wishes

Paul Selden
Director of the Paleontological Institute
Gulf-Hedberg Distinguished Professor of Invertebrate Paleontology, Department of Geology
University of Kansas, Lindley Hall, 1475 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA

email: selden at
phone: (785) 864-2751 Lab: (785) 864-9049
Paleontological Institute web site:

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