Paleonet: Micro-palaeontology PhD project at the University of Lille 1 (France)

Thijs Vandenbroucke thijs.vandenbroucke at
Tue Feb 5 13:36:49 UTC 2013

Dear colleague, 

there is a fully funded, 3-year micro-palaeontologic PhD project available at the University of Lille 1 (France). Please share with any potentially interested candidates.

Many thanks,


ANR project SeqStrat-Ice – tied PhD fellowship – Lessons from our Ancient Frozen Planet: towards a unified theory for glacial sequence stratigraphy
The glaciogenic sedimentary record is our only direct archive of ancient glaciations. Understanding this archive is of fundamental scientific importance when modelling past climate change but also of socio-economic importance as they are key reservoir rocks for petroleum as well as for groundwater. This ANR (French national research council) research project aims to develop an original, universal sequence stratigraphic model for glaciogenic successions, enabling the investigation of the glaciogenic records through space and time. It includes numerical modelling efforts of glaciation-related depositional systems, alongside an in-depth sequence stratigraphic study of ancient glacial records.

The fieldwork-based PhD fellowship integrates the deep-time data collecting part of project, and will be focusing on the extremely well-exposed and well-developed Late Ordovician glacial record of Morocco. One of the main tasks will be the study of chitinozoan micropalaeontology and geochemistry in a sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic context, based on carefully selected near-field sections. Comparison with far-field low-and-mid-palaeolatitude sections will also be part of the project. You will be based at Lille.

The research team includes 4 academic partners: 3 academic research groups (IPG Strasbourg, Biogéosciences Dijon, Géosystèmes Lille) and the IFP-Energies Nouvelles.


Dr. Thijs Vandenbroucke (CNRS-Lille1): micro-palaeontology

Dr. Jean-François Ghienne (CNRS-IPGS, Strasbourg): glacial sedimentology

Contact: Thijs.vandenbroucke at
Further info on our website:

Send your motivation letter and CV to: Thijs.vandenbroucke at as soon as possible, and no later than 1 April 2013. Please also include (a) recommendation letter(s) by your MSc project supervisor(s). The position will be filled as soon as we find a suitable candidate (i.e., potentially before 1 April 2013, so we encourage early applications). Latest start date: 1st October 2013

Thijs Vandenbroucke
Chargé de Recherche du CNRS
Université Lille 1
UMR 8217 du CNRS: Géosystèmes
Avenue Paul Langevin  - bâtiment SN5
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex (France)
Tel. + 33 (0)3 20 43 69 00
Fax. + 33 (0)3 20 43 49 10
Thijs.Vandenbroucke at

ResearcherID: B-7974-2009:
The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution:          
The Palaeontological Association:
The ANR - RALI project

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