Paleonet: PhD position in palynology/org. geochem

"Wolfram M. Kürschner" w.m.kuerschner at
Mon Feb 18 16:51:01 UTC 2013

Dear colleagues

please note the posting of a 4 year PhD position in palynology / organic 
geochemistry at the University of Oslo in collaboration with NIOZ & 
Utrecht University. The topic is the environmental history during the 
Late Triassic.

Further information can be found at

The deadline for applications is the 15th of March 2013.

I would be very grateful if you would circulate this message among your 
final year undergraduate and MSc students.

Thank you! - Wolfram Kuerschner


Dr. Wolfram M. Kürschner | Department of Geosciences | room 304 | 
University of Oslo | P.O. box 1047 | Blindern | N-0316 Oslo | Norway | 
Tel.: +4722856672 | Mob.: +4796010747 | w.m.kuerschner at 
<mailto:w.m.kuerschner at>

More info: w.m.kuerschner 
and my Researchgate profile 

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