Paleonet: postdoc ad

Andrew Krug azk102 at
Fri Jun 28 14:07:10 UTC 2013


I would like to post an advertisement for a postdoctoral position at Penn
State University.  I have pasted the text of the advertisement below.
 Please let me know if I have emailed this to the proper address, or if
there is some other protocol I need to follow.



Begin postdoc ad below:

Postdoctoral Position in Paleontology, Penn State University

We invite applications for a postdoctoral researcher to participate in a
collaborative research project (A. Krug and M. Patzkowsky) investigating
the Late Ordovician mass extinction and recovery using phylogenetic methods
that quantify evolutionary history. The NASA funded research involves the
development of brachiopod phylogenies for use in analyzing changes in
evolutionary patterns, fluctuations in phylogenetic diversity, and changes
in community composition across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary.
Experience with quantitative methods in paleobiology is required. Knowledge
of phylogenetic methods and analyses is preferable. The position is located
within the Department of Geosciences at Penn State University.  Starting
date negotiable but prefer September 2013, potentially extending for 3
years. Requires either PhD in hand or dissertation submitted and approved
for degree. Please send an application letter, CV, and email addresses of
two references via email to Dr. Andrew Z. Krug <azk102 at<akrug at>>
at Penn State University.

Dr. Andrew Z. Krug
Research Associate
Department of Geosciences
The Pennsylvania State University
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