Paleonet: Position at PRI: one-year managing editor for Teacher-Friendly Guide book series

Robert M. Ross rmr16 at
Fri Jun 28 17:16:40 UTC 2013

Position: Managing editor for “Teacher-Friendly Guide”® book series

We are seeking a managing editor for a series of seven “Teacher-Friendly Guides” to topics in Earth science and biology. The position is full time for one year. The content for the Guides, all funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, has been or is being written by science educators. The position includes (1) overseeing an external review process on individual chapters and the books as a whole; (2) working with PRI writers to make necessary revisions; (3) coordinating creation of original illustrations; and (4) uploading content through a content management system to online versions of the books (<>, where several existing Guides can be viewed). The editor will deliver the manuscript to the PRI Director of Publications, who will undertake page layout for downloadable pdf versions of the Guides and print-on-demand copies sold through PRI Publications. The Guides are resource components of a teacher professional development program that also includes workshops, use of “virtual field experiences” (<>), and in some cases other resources such as an exhibition or kits.

In addition to the PRI Director of Publications, the position will work closely with several PRI science educators and the PRI webmaster. The position will also interface with scientist and teacher external reviewers and one or more illustrators.

Qualifications: We seek someone with previous experience with book publishing and science editing. Abilities to coordinate with numerous individuals and to maintain attention to detail is critical. Knowledge of natural history, especially Earth system science, or of science education would be helpful. Ideally the candidate will work onsite at the Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca, NY, but we will also consider applicants working remotely.

To apply please send a cover letter, resume, and list of three references to Robert Ross, Associate Director for Outreach, Paleontological Research Institution, by email (rmr16 at<mailto:rmr16 at>) or by mail (Paleontological Research Institution, 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, NY 14850). We will begin reviewing applications from July 1.

PRI (<>) is located in Ithaca, NY in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York. PRI is an affiliate of Cornell University, located several miles off campus. PRI has two public education venues, the Museum of the Earth and Cayuga Nature Center, and is active in Earth system science education programing that serves audiences both locally and nationally.

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