Paleonet: October 28: TimeScale Creator - a tool for exploring and creating geologic time scale charts

C4P Cyber4Paleo cyber4paleo at
Tue Oct 28 03:03:11 UTC 2014

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TimeScale Creator Webinar

Katelyn Verner and Rebecca Bobick (Purdue University)

Tuesday, October 28, 4pm Eastern Time.

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TimeScale Creator

Katelyn Verner and Rebecca Bobick (Purdue University)

>From data to finished timescale chart in three simple steps.

TimeScale Creator, a free JAVA package, enables you to explore and create
charts of any portion of the geologic time scale from an extensive suite of
global and regional events in Earth History.  The internal database suite
encompasses over 20,000 biologic, geomagnetic, sea-level, stable isotope,
and other events – details are given on the BUILT-IN DATA page.  All ages
in TSCreator version 5.4 are currently standardized to Geologic Time Scale
2004, and to the Concise Geologic Time Scale, 2008 compilation. The age
model for TSCreator version 6.3 is from "The Geologic Time Scale 2012" by
F.M. Gradstein, J.G. Ogg, M.D. Schmitz and G.M. Ogg (Elsevier, 2012).

For plain text postings where the link did not show up: Any updated links
or information as well as the updated webinar schedule and archived
presentations will be posted at

Part of the Advances And Emergent Needs in Paleogeoscience
Cyberinfrastructure Webinar Series.
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