Paleonet: GSA Annual Meeting Session T158. Perspectives on multi-element skeleton taphonomy: Case studies, approaches, and advances

Norman MacLeod n.macleod at
Sun Aug 2 09:28:00 UTC 2015

This just in …


Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder to please consider participating in the topical session, “T158. Perspectives on multi-element skeleton taphonomy: Case studies, approaches, and advances”, at the upcoming Geological Society of America meeting in Baltimore, MD November 1–4, 2015.

This session will focus on taphonomic studies of organisms with multi-element skeleton (e.g., arthropods, echinoderms, vertebrates). We are aiming to bring together researchers working on any aspect of multi-element skeleton taphonomy, with a particular emphasis on the use of new methods and approaches to answer both ancient and modern ecological and environmental questions.  

The featured speakers at this symposium will include Steven Donovan ( and Thomas Hegna (

Please note: Abstracts are due by 12AM, PST, August 11.  

Please follow this link to submit abstracts directly:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Matthew Vrazo, vrazomb at<>

James Thomka, jthomka at<>

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