Paleonet: Reminder: the GSA abstract deadline is 1 week from today!

Wright, David F. (Davey) wright.1433 at
Tue Aug 4 14:31:42 UTC 2015


We are pleased to remind you of a special technical session scheduled for the 2015 annual Geological Society of America meeting in Baltimore, MD USA (1-4 November). This session will be titled, "Echinoderm Paleobiology: Diversity, Form, and Phylogeny" and will address recent advances in understanding patterns of echinoderm evolution and paleontology.

This session will be chaired by Jeffery R. Thompson (University of Southern California), Selina R. Cole (The Ohio State University), and me (David F. Wright, The Ohio State University).

Researchers interested in all aspects of echinoderm evolution are welcome to submit a proposal. All echinoderm clades and stratigraphic intervals will be treated with equal interest. A more detailed description of the technical session is provided below.

Note that the deadline for submitting a proposal is 11 August 2015.

Submit an abstract: <>

*Before sure to click on "topical session" and submit to session T161.Echinoderm Paleobiology!*

Session details:
The phylum Echinodermata comprises a diverse and ecologically important member of modern and ancient ocean ecosystems. Due to their dense, well-sampled Phanerozoic fossil record, echinoderms are ideal organisms for testing broader evolutionary and ecological hypotheses in deep time. Advances in understanding homologies between and among echinoderm clades continue to inform phylogenetic studies and produced new interpretations of trait evolution within the echinoderm bauplan. This revised evolutionary framework provides a detailed historical context for investigating biologic and geologic processes underpinning macroevolutionary and paleoecological dynamics. The goal of the proposed session is to provide a setting for presenting the most up-to-date and novel research in echinoderm phylogenetics, morphologic evolution, and paleoecological interactions. This session will emphasize the utility of echinoderms in furthering our understanding of global change over geologic time, such as mass extinctions and long-term secular changes in the Earth-Life system. All aspects of paleobiology related to echinoderms are welcome including, but not limited to:  phylogenetics, macroevolution, quantitative methods, diversity, paleoecology, taphonomy, systematics and taxonomy, functional morphology, and the use of geochemistry in understanding echinoderm evolution.

If you have any questions regarding the session, feel free to contact me directly at wright.1433 at




David F. Wright
PhD Candidate
School of Earth Sciences
The Ohio State University
275 Mendenhall Laboratory
125 South Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210

wright.1433 at

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