Paleonet: Abstract Deadline - Paleoecology @ North Central GSA

Carrie Eaton carrie at
Tue Feb 10 14:26:10 UTC 2015

Dear all,
The abstract deadline (*February 17, 2015*) for the 2015 North-Central 
GSA conference is fast approaching. Please consider presenting a paper 
or sharing our theme session information (below) with your colleagues, 
friends, and students. Abstracts can be submitted with the online form 
available at

T9. Quaternary Paleoecology of the Upper Midwest.
Conveners: Carrie Eaton, University of Wisconsin Geology Museum, 
carrie at; Matthew Hill, Iowa State University, 
mghill at
There is a strong tradition of Quaternary ecological research at 
institutions in the North-Central region. This session highlights that 
tradition and addresses topics in paleontology, paleoecology, 
paleoenvironments, and human interactions occurring during the last 
period of the Cenozoic era.

Full meeting details can be found at:

I’m sure that there will also be informal evening tours of local 
brewpubs and microbreweries, and opportunities to network with the 
Quaternary geology community here in Wisconsin and from across the 
Midwest. As a bonus, Madison in May is truly lovely 
( Please let me know if you have any 

all the best,
Carrie Eaton

Carrie Eaton
Curator of Collections, UW Geology Museum
1215 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706
carrie at
twitter @UWGeologyMuseum

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