Paleonet: Call for abstracts- Utilization of Digitized Data- GSA 2015 Topical Session T46

Talia S. Karim talia.karim at
Tue Jul 7 20:08:59 UTC 2015

Call for Abstracts: GSA Annual Meeting Topical Session T46. Using Digitized Data in Geological and Paleontological Research
Digitization programs in paleontology and geology are producing large amounts of easily accessible data. This session will present developments in the research uses of digitized geoscience data and recent advances in data-publishing and mobilization, and uses of digitized data for outreach and education.

Submit your abstract today (deadline Aug. 11th)!<>

This session will highlight paleontology and geology research that has utilized publically available digitized data in some way. The number and size of digital data sets are expanding rapidly in light of recent interest in biological and geological specimen digitization and span a wide variety of data types including digital images of fossil specimens, 3D reconstructions and visualizations from CT scans, georeferenced fossil localities, occurrence data for fossil collections, literature based occurrences for fossils, core samples, paleoclimate data, seafloor data, etc. Topics to be addressed include an accounting of publicly available digital datasets; research methods and techniques; strategies for ensuring long-term storage, maintenance, and on-going accessibility of large digital datasets; digital dataset security; advances in technology and software for data analysis and manipulation; strategies for ensuring and improving data quality; current gaps and deficiencies in publicly available digital datasets and strategies for rectification; research uses of data generated by current ADBC TCN collaboratives; and recent research outcomes from digital datasets.

We welcome presenters from a variety of specialties in paleontology and geology, as well as graduate students who are currently pursuing research based on digitized data, especially 3D CT data.

Session sponsors include: iDigBio; Paleontological Society; Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections; GSA Geoinformatics Division; EarthCube C4P; iSamples

Additional meeting information can be found here:<>

Please feel free to email me (talia.karim at<mailto:talia.karim at>) or Gil Nelson (gnelson at<mailto:gnelson at>) if you have any questions.


Talia Karim, PhD
Collection Manager
Invertebrate Paleontology
CU Museum of Natural History
University of Colorado
265 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0265

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