Paleonet: Need help w ossible Miocene sponge spicule

Andrzej Pisera apis at
Tue Apr 12 14:37:29 UTC 2016

Dear David,

Not the best photo because majority of the object (spicules) is out of 
focus but it looks like a hexactine spicule (Hexactinellida). If such, 
than it muts be marine, I would even say not mariginal marine but rather 
open marine (hexactinellids in most cases are deep water creatures and 
rarely occur in shallow water.

best regards
Andrzej Pisera

W dniu 2016-04-12 o 16:16, David Kopaska-Merkel pisze:
> A friend found this in Mississippi. I posted a photo in my personal blog:
> I’ll pass any suggestions along to Brian Axsmith, who took the picture.
> Thanks,
> David
> David C Kopaska-Merkel
> Geological Survey of Alabama
> Box 869999
> Tuscaloosa AL 35486-6999
> 205-247-3695
> <>
> fax 205-349-2861
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> Paleonet mailing list
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Andrzej Pisera
Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
ul. Twarda 51/55
00-818 Warszawa

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