Paleonet: PhD Position

Kenneth De Baets kenneth.debaets at
Wed Apr 13 12:19:35 UTC 2016

Hi all,

We seek a motivated and talented graduate student for a PhD position in the
DFG founded project on “Body size dynamics of cephalopods across the
Pliensbachian-Toarcian crisis”. The position is temporary for 36 months
(TV-L E13, 75%) and is anticipated to start in July 2016. Place of work is
the GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Friedrich-Alexander University
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen.

This project is one of eight projects embedded in the interdisciplinary
Research Unit FOR 2332 TERSANE: *Te*mperature-*R*elated *S*tresses as a
Unifying Principle in *An*cient *E*xtinctions. The research unit combines
high-resolution geological field studies with meta-analyses, physiological
studies and sophisticated analysis of fossil occurrence data on ancient
hyperthermal events to reveal the rate and magnitude of warming, potential
causes, impact on marine life, and the mechanisms which led to ecological
change and extinction. Geochemistry, analytical paleobiology and physiology
comprise our main toolkits. More information on Tersane is available at:

*Tasks*: The successful candidate will be involved in taxonomic –
ecological analysis of Pliensbachian-Toarcian ammonites and belemnites with
a focus of quantitative sampling of cephalopods from France, Germany,
Portugal and Spain. Statistical analyses should be carried out, in
particular in view of body size distribution and in relationship with
environmental and facies changes. Fieldwork and analyses occur in
connection with other projects within the Research Unit. Applicants are
expected to participate in weekly informal seminar, annual workshops and
international summer schools with others members of the research unit.


Mandatory requirements are

   - M.Sc. degree in geology or biology
   - Experience in fieldwork
   -  High degree of initiative and motivation
   -  Ability to work as part of a team
   - Very good English skills
   - (Basic) knowledge of statistics and R programming

Desirable are

   - Background in invertebrate palaeontology
   - Driving license

Please submit your application in electronic form (including curriculum
vitae, list of publications, statement of research interests; keyword
"J-body") by the 10th of May 2016 to

Dr. Kenneth De Baets

Section Palaeobiology/Palaeoenvironments

GeoZentrum Nordbayern

Loewenichstr. 28

91054 Erlangen, Germany

kenneth.debaets at
<kenneth.debaets at>
Dr. Kenneth De Baets
GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Fachgruppe PaläoUmwelt
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Loewenichstraße 28
91054 Erlangen
Telefon: ++49 9131 / 85-22906
Fax: ++49 9131 / 85-22690
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