Paleonet: Abstract deadline approaching: Inaugural Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference

Gil Nelson gnelson at
Wed Apr 5 18:24:24 UTC 2017

The abstract submission deadline for the Inaugural Digital Data in 
Biodiversity Research Conference is 15 April. All participants are 
encouraged to submit a poster or oral presentation proposal.

You must be registered to submit (see registration link, below). Upon 
registration, you will receive an email confirmation that contains the 
abstract submission link.

For those who want to attend but do not want to submit an abstract, the 
registration deadline is 15 May. Registration is brisk. Please register 
at your earliest convenience.

For more information about the conference and workshops, see: 

The tentative agenda is available on the workshop wiki and will be 
updated regularly: 

Hotel and registration information are also on the wiki.

To register: You 
will be asked to rank order your workshop selections and to pay your 
registration fee at the time of registration.



Gil Nelson, PhD
Research Faculty
iDigBio Steering Committee
Integrated Digitized Biocollections
Institute for Digital Information and Scientific Communication
College of Communication and Information
Courtesy Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium
Florida State University
gnelson at

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