Paleonet: 2 postdoc positions on the evolution of conodonts and odontodes at IGFL, ENS Lyon, France

Nicolas Goudemand nicolas.goudemand at
Fri Aug 11 20:04:52 UTC 2017

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for two postdoctoral researchers working on:
1-the macroevolution of conodonts,
2-an experiment-based project to be precised, on either the origin of 
vertebrate odontodes or the influence of local external (mechanical) 
conditions on the growth of odontodes.

These positions are funded for 12 months each, both possibly extended 
for 6 months or more.

More information at:

Best wishes,

Nicolas Goudemand

PI, Biomodeling group,
Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon (IGFL)
ENS Lyon, France
Email: nicolas.goudemand at

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