Paleonet: Paleo collection manager search - Indiana University

Polly, P. David pdpolly at
Mon Dec 11 22:59:54 UTC 2017

Indiana University-Bloomington invites applications for a combined
Paleontology Collections Manager and Digital Projects Coordinator

We seek an individual with primary interests in invertebrate paleontology and collections digitization who will help us maintain our momentum in transforming paleontology at IU and advancing digital initiatives in all of our natural history collections through the Center for Biological Research Collections (CBRC). The IU Paleontology Collection houses about 1.3 million fossil specimens, including more than 1,000 types, spanning the Cambrian through Quaternary, with special strengths in the Paleozoic of the North American platform and Mesozoic of western North America. The CBRC provides digital support to IU’s three main natural history collection, which include the William R. Adams Zooarchaeology Collection and the IU Herbarium in addition to paleo. Duties include assisting faculty curators with management of the IU Paleontology Collection; assisting the Director and faculty of the Center of Biological Research Collections with initiating and managing digital collection initiatives, including grant writing, for IU’s three natural history collections.

Qualifications are a Ph.D. in paleontology or a relevant field, or at least 5 years of experience in paleontology collection management. Desirable qualifications include research specialization in an area associated with our collection, and experience in collection management, grant writing, 3D digitization of museum collection objects, programming or scripting, and supervisory roles. Knowledge of management of paleontological collections, including cataloguing, accessioning, loan processing, database use, experience with digital objects; demonstrable attention to detail and accuracy, teamwork and communication skills, ability to interface professionally with the university, public, governmental and research communities, and ability to manage projects, students, and volunteers are required.

Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Claudia C. Johnson, Search Committee Chair (claudia at<mailto:claudia at>) or to David Polly (pdpolly at<mailto:pdpolly at>).

To apply:
Interested candidates should submit application materials, a cover letter, statement of research and relevant experience, CV, and contact information for 3 referees.

P. David Polly
Shrock Professor of Sedimentary Geology
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Biology and Anthropology
Indiana University
1001 E. 10th Street
Bloomington, IN  47405-1405
pdpolly at<mailto:pdpolly at>
+1 (812) 855-7994

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