Paleonet: Megafauna PhD Short Course at Aarhus University

Matt Davis matt.davis at
Fri Jun 2 12:37:42 UTC 2017

Hello Colleagues,
Please find our announcement for an exciting megafauna short course below and feel free to forward on to any grad students you think would be interested.

Thank you,

Matt Davis
Carlsberg Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University


Megafauna PhD Short Course
What: Professor Jens-Christian Svenning of Aarhus University announces a short course on megafauna and their importance for ecosystem functioning. The course will provide graduate students with a general overview of megafauna ecosystem ecology including the evolutionary history and biogeography of megafauna, current theoretical concepts related to megafauna-ecosystem interactions, practical analysis of megafauna trait and occurrence datasets, overview of megafauna conservation and restoration ecology, and rigorous assessment of ongoing and future megafauna-based rewilding projects. It will also include training in systematic reviews and meta-analyses in R.This course is part of the ongoing MegaPast2Future Project ( and is generously supported by a Carlsberg Foundation Semper Ardens Grant.

Who: Instructors for the short course include
Professor Jens-Christian Svenning
Dr. Matt Davis
Dr. Andreas Schweiger
Internal and external guest lecturers

When: September 25-29, 2017 (Final projects are due October 30, 2017)

Where: Section for Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, in beautiful Aarhus (Denmark), European Capital of Culture in 2017 (

How: The course will consist of an engaging mixture of lectures, discussion groups, hands on analytical labs, and a field excursion. With the guidance of the instructors, course participants will work together in groups to complete small research projects on megafauna ecology suitable for publication. Full participation is required to earn ECTS credits. Course participants must also be able to speak and write in fluent English and work in the statistical programming language R. Information and a schedule of the course will be updated regularly and can be found at this link <>
Applicants must submit a CV and one page motivation letter to Jens-Christian Svenning (svenning at<mailto:svenning at>) before June 22, 2017 to be considered for the course. Note that the course is limited to 15 participants. Please send any questions you have to Matt Davis (matt.davis at<mailto:matt.davis at,%20andreas.schweiger at>) and Andreas Schweiger (andreas.schweiger at<mailto:matt.davis at,%20andreas.schweiger at>) with the subject “Megafauna PhD Course”. Accepted participants will be required to pay a 500 DKK course registration fee and arrange travel and housing themselves.
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