Paleonet: Mery Christmas
Tom Lipka
thomasrlipka at
Tue Dec 24 01:29:21 UTC 2019
Nice! Wish I had thought of that!
I have a nice _Frenelopsis_ type frond from the Potomac Grp that I could have made like that!
Merry Christmas!
Thomas R. Lipka
Arundel Project and Geobiological Research
Affiliated Research Associate
University of Oklahoma/Sam Noble Museum
DigiMorph Links to Arundel Specimens:
NMNH Link: Backyard Dinosaurs
From: Paleonet On Behalf Of Kustatscher Evelyn
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2019 8:33 AM
Subject: Paleonet: Mery Christmas
Priv. Doz. Dr. Evelyn Kustatscher
Naturmuseum Südtirol
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Sezione Paleontologia, conservatrice
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