Paleonet: Deep Time Paleogenomics at NAPC 2019

Thompson, Jeff Jeffrey_R_Thompson at
Tue Jan 29 19:42:42 UTC 2019

Hi all,

     We are writing to invite you to submit an abstract to our symposium entitled “Deep Time Paleogenomics” to be run at the 11th  North American Paleontological Convention from June 23-27, 2019 in Riverside California. We encourage submissions utilizing interdisciplinary paleobiological, genomic, and computational approaches to understand the history of life. Abstracts can be submitted using the following link ( until March 1, 2019. A detailed description of the session below. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

   All the best,

    Jeff Thompson (jeffrey_r_thompson at

    and David Gold (dgold at

Synopsis: The integration of paleontology with molecular and computational biology has resulted in the broad, interdisciplinary field of paleogenomics. Paleogenomics provides a unique vantage for interpreting the fossil record, and offers new venues for collaboration between diverse scientific disciplines. The goal of this session is to explore and celebrate the many ways that genetic and genomic data is being applied to questions relevant to paleontology and geobiology. This includes work on molecular clocks, identifying genes responsible for geochemical biomarkers and ancient phenotypes, as well as the reconstruction of ancient gene regulatory networks. We also aim to explore the ways in which genetic data can be used across geological timescales, ranging from questions regarding the evolution of humanity back to the origins of life.

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