Paleonet: Cordilleran GSA Paleo Society meet-up Wednesday 5/15

Carlie Pietsch carlie.pietsch at
Tue May 14 17:09:26 UTC 2019

Dear Paleonet
If you'll be attending the Cordilleran GSA section meeting this week, there
will be a Paleontological Society meet-up/ networking event on Wednesday
5/15/19 (tomorrow) from 5:30-7 pm in the Oregon Convention Center room B112.
Please come by to have some refreshments and meet or reunite with other
paleontologists in attendance. Students and anyone curious about
paleontology very much encouraged to attend!
See you soon!
Warm regards,
Carlie Pietsch

San Jose State University
Cordilleran Section Chair Paleontological Society
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