Paleonet: Permian fossil identification

Sangmin Lee sangminlee76 at
Tue Oct 8 02:18:07 UTC 2019

Dear Paleonet users,

We recently found abundant small tube-shaped fossil shells from Permian
rocks in eastern Australia (as shown in the image below). I was told that
they might be the shells of a type of foraminifera. However, some of my
colleagues do not agree.

Could you give me any of your opinions about the fossils?

[image: Questionable fossils.jpg]

Kind regards,

*Dr Sangmin Lee*

Associate Research Fellow

School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences

Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health

University of Wollongong

Northfield Ave, NSW 2522, Australia

Tel: +61 2 4221 5317

E-mail: lsam at
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