Paleonet: Expressing uncertainty

Bruno Granier bgranier at
Thu Dec 10 00:05:55 UTC 2020

IMHO and from a 'let's say' "Cartesian point of view", there are some  
contradictions in Joseph Botting's list

Genus? species: definitely that species, but generic assignment is  
Genus? sp.: not sure on the species, but it may be in this genus.

I fully agree with the 1rst statement, but I found the comment of the  
2nd confusing
"not sure on the species, but it may be in this genus" because,  
according to the 1st statement, this location of the question mark  
means that "the generic assignment is questionable"

I would better understand:

Genus? species: definitely that species, but generic assignment is  
? Genus species: may be this species, but there is doubt (not very specific).
? Genus? species: may be this species (although its generic assignment  
is questionable).
? Genus sp.: not sure on the genus (hence on any specific ascription).


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