Paleonet: 3rd Palaeontological Virtual Congress Session Announcement: Conservation Paleobiology - Bridging Past and Future

Danijela Dimitrijevic danijeladd88 at
Wed Aug 25 12:14:32 UTC 2021

Dear paleo-net community,
I would like to advertise the CPN co-sponsored session “Conservation Paleobiology: Bridging Past and Future” at the 3rd Palaeontological Virtual Congress (PalaeoVC) which will be held online from 1st to 15th December 2021.
 Abstract submissions will be accepted until the 20th of September 2021, there is no time limit on registration for the conference (registration fee 5 €). Available formats are slides (5 or 30) and videos (12 minutes), discussions will be held on Discord. A social fund for participants from low and lower-middle-income countries is available.
We invite contributions from paleontology and related fields including (but not limited to) archaeology, anthropology, and historical ecology. We are particularly open to submissions on the topics of near-time and deep-time perspectives on eco-evolutionary processes during episodes of rapid (natural and anthropogenic) environmental change and potential biases affecting the fossil record. In addition, we encourage submissions on collaborations with practitioners and conservation efforts that use historical data.
We hope to gather exciting and thought-provoking contributions that will stimulate discussions between scientific disciplines and practitioners around urgent questions in conservation paleobiology. For more info and abstract submission go to Conservation Paleobiology – Bridging Past and Future -

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Conservation Paleobiology – Bridging Past and Future -

Organisers: Paolo Abondio1, Danijela Dimitrijević2, Niklas Hohmann2 1Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environ...



We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes,
Danijela Dimitrijevic
Danijela DimitrijevićPhD student
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
GeoZentrum Nordbayern - Paläoumwelt
Loewenichstraße 28
91054 Erlangen

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